Elementary Mathematics Workbook from Grade 1 to Grade 4


Szerző: Dr. Benkő Attila

Kiadó neve: Publio

Oldalszám: 148

ISBN szám: 978-963-424-836-1

Méret: 540 KB

Kiadás éve: 2016

Állomány formátum: epub, prc

prc Méret: 1,37 MB

Ára: 295 - Ft

Kosárba tesz Kosárba tesz


This book offers practice in basic mathematics skills. More than 1500 exercises with solutions are included. Learn the rules, understand the examples, work on the exercises and check-out their solutions! Contents: - Rules - Addition - Subtraction - Multiplication - Division - Mixed Operations - Relations - Operations with Zero - Operations with Infinity - Equations - Sequences - Fractions - Addition of Fraction Numbers - Subtraction of Fraction Numbers - Increasing Order - Decreasing Order - Time - Money - Geometric Measurement About the author: Attila Benko has a PhD in information science, was teaching math, he is a sci-fi book author and working as a software-developer.

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